Zero Waste in the Bathroom

After the kitchen, the bathroom is one area of our home I wanted to tackle for moving towards zero waste. It’s where we use a lot of disposable consumables (baby wipes, cotton rounds, q-tips, razor blades), as well as a lot of plastic bottles and containers – shampoo, conditioner, hair products, deodorant, toothpaste, lotions, hand Read More…

Duplicate Clutter

A few years ago, I had a pair of cheap pearl earrings that kept falling apart. I glued them together repeatedly until I got tired of it. So I asked Mike for a pair of nice pearl earrings for my birthday; this was while we were engaged and of course he had to buy me romantic Read More…

The Fallback Skirt

I made a new skirt recently. It used to be a dress, which I bought at Goodwill because it was breastfeeding-friendly. However, the fit was never perfect, and since then I’ve made another dress I like better. The fabric, however, was a lovely washed-out blue chambray, and the shape of the skirt was just right. So Read More…

Zero Waste Food Storage

Since trying to move more towards zero waste in my kitchen, I both store more food and, paradoxically, store less food. I store more because, buying certain things unpackaged, I have to strategise a way to store them where before I would have shoved them in my pantry. But I also think zero waste tends Read More…

Me-Made-May: What I Made

Me-Made-May is over! I spent the month trying to wear something I’d made about 4 days a week. I think I met that goal, although some days it was a struggle. Actually, that was mainly because of the weather. I have lots of handmade summer skirts and dresses, but it rained so much of the Read More…

Me-Made-May Day 6 | Boats and Bunting Skirt

I finally sewed something new for this month. This was a (fairly) easy project, because I needed a quick success after beginning the month with a total failure (which you probably won’t see me wearing!). This skirt is made from a thrifted dress, with the trim made from a thrifted shirt almost identical in colour Read More…

Me-Made-May 2016

This year I’ve decided to participate again in Me-Made-May, a challenge hosted by Zoe, focusing on wearing handmade clothing during the month of May. I participated last year, despite being pregnant and thus with a smaller than usual wardrobe of homemade items. This year I fear my choices are even fewer. Obviously I’m not wearing my Read More…

My Favourite Natural Makeup

I’ve shared a few times on the blog how I switched some of my personal care products over to more green or natural versions, for example skincare. I’ve been wanting to do a similar post on makeup for a while, but was waiting to try a few things first. I’ve picked three favourites to share, Read More…

After a Month of Zero Waste Shopping

My initial zero waste shopping experiment ran for the month of February, and now I’m thinking over the month. How did it go? Would I do it again? Here’s what happened. What we ate I didn’t try very hard to plan our menu around zero waste foods; mostly I drew from my usual repertoire of Read More…

I Finally Made a Dress

Ever since Edith was born, I’ve daydreamed about making a dress. Most of my favourite summer dresses aren’t breastfeeding friendly, and if I’m honest, most are still a little tight. For a long time I told myself I didn’t have the time or focus to sew a garment, until one day I got fed up Read More…